Friday, October 31, 2008

I am going to write in this more for all my readers

So, I spend a lot of time on the computer at work, and I used to have a lot of email, but now that the election is almost over I don't have that much email so I can write stupid stuff in this blog! Though, this is a public venue so if you want all the juicy drama drama you'll have to write me an email. Haha, I have no juicy drama.

If you've been reading this regularly, which you haven't, but whatever, it may sound like all I do here is go to parties. No. I also go to bars. Tonight is a Halloween party though, which according to Antarctic mythology is one's LAST CHANCE to find a mate for the season. This may be true, since everyone I know has already made out with everyone I know several times. However, I think it is not true, because I am a lady, and I am pretty sure that if you are a lady in Antarctica you can find a mate any time that you choose, should any person come up that one would want to start this kind of relationship with, which seems a little bit unlikely.

Hmm. I feel like I ought to have more Antarctican things to talk about, but all I really do all day these days is read NYT/FiveThirtyEight/Wonkette and even HuffPo (I have a guilty love for HuffPo). CAN WE JUST HAVE AN ELECTION ALREADY? please?

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