Sunday, October 5, 2008


Today we had an all day training that started at the unnecessarily ungodly hour of 7 AM. 

We watched videos from the 80s about how harassment is bad and I giggled/slept. Everyone had bad haircuts, and gossiped all the time at work. I hope our real workplace is like that.

Our first Raytheon presenter was an old Navy man who spent the first ten minutes reading his resume in detail. Seriously who does that.

On our lunch break everyone was clearly sizing each other up, in that new crowd of people way. I have already figured out that in Antarctican circles, the more badass you are, the more popular. I sat down next to a guy and the first thing he asked me was, "Do you have any tatoos?" I am trying to hide how lame I actually am from these people for as long as possible. I may need to covertly get a tattoo in New Zealand. Which p.s. leaving for there tomorrow!

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Get a wicked New Zealand tattoo quick!